Junk Photography

I often reminisce about the days of film and the occasional “happy accidents” that might happen on any shoot, be it professional of just for fun. Digital has brought us the ability to create images and see the result instantaneously, fixing problems and deleting them before the clients get their eyes on them. Film was another story, of course. Even if you know the film (stock, batch and shelf life), camera, and lighting, there was an occasional surprise, be it a bad exposure or a magic moment captured accidentally.

I also think about what I call the “Junk Photography” movement, where people would use crappy cameras and lenses to create some kind of old retro look. Shooting with cameras with plastic lenses, be it a Holga camera or a Lomo got interesting results. Instagram has pretty much replaced this, and the photography hipsters have embraced it.

I have many cameras new and old, and though I have no desire to get rid of my film cameras, I really do not use them anymore. I have no idea what the cost would be but I imagine these days, processing and printing of negative film (be it color or black & white) is quite expensive. Still I really miss those days and wish there was a way to go back. Maybe halfway?

Well I have found a way. I purchased this Holga lens from the internet for about 14 bucks.


After slapping it on my Nikon, I was forced to remember just how low-end the Holga is. There is noting here, just a fixed aperture, and a jenky focus that will get you maybe close to what you want. Looking through the view finder on a sunny day is a futile attempt, so I found I’m missing the Holga finder at the top of the camera.

Stay tuned for some pictures with this lens….