Replacement Computer!

So the day has finally arrived when I threw down Six K on a new computer.

Yikes, SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS?? Yep, you hear right, the new Mac Studio, purchased out of necessity, costs over double what my Mac Pro Trashcan cost me, and it is not expandable. NOT EXPANDABLE. This is why I opted for the higher priced model, hoping it would be staying with me for years to come. This machine has been a bit of a struggle setting up, only because I have been customizing my older machine for so long, I felt I had to do the same on the Studio. Apple has locked out many things that I was able to access via command line or just installing alternative software. For those who want to move to an Apple Silicon machine from an Intel one-watch out. There are many new hoops to jump through before you can modify how your machine is designed to behave….

six K for this lil thing? It better “scream” as Steve Jobs used to say…..