
Hey there, if you are looking for a way to expand your access to tools or to find a new way to interface with your computer, then there are a lot of options out there. Recently, I got myself a TourBox Elite. It’s a nice, compact bluetooth capable device with knobs, buttons and rollers. It uses batteries, which you can turn off-unfortunately I forget to do this, so I have had to resort to rechargeable batteries-this puppy eats energy.

The device has a nice feel to it, not just with its buttons and knobs, it is also heavy. I like things to have a little heft to them, I like to know it will stay on my desk if I start to work like an animal! My only gripe is that the power button is on the bottom, where I forget to turn it off. Maybe a light on the top to remind me it is on would help. Check it out!