New Computer Blues....

As I have written before, my 2013 Trashcan MacPro has been dying. After upgrading to MacOS Monterey, (which I had to do for a job that required new software) my days were plagued by constant Kernel Panics. Sure, there would be days when I had a solid run, but they were overshadowed by the days which my computer would restart, seemingly at random intervals. There were even times when I would force restart my computer, get things moving again, step away to grab a cup of tea only to find it restarted itself while I was gone!

I knew this thing was old, and my friends and colleges kept telling me to replace it, but I was waiting for Apple to release its new Mac Pro with the Apple Silicon (promised originally to happen by the beginning of 2022). The Mac Studio, currently the fastest and most powerful mac built to date looked promising, but again, I was waiting to see what a new pro level computer could do for me. And besides, I don’t like to get the “first of something” released, waiting for any bugs to be eliminated in next gen machines.